Mugen Ronin Warriors Ova

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The characters from the anime Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers.

Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers
Ryo/Ryou Sanada
Voiced by: Takeshi Kusao (JP), Matt Hill (EN), Flavio Arras (IT), Luigi Rosa (IT, OVA)
Ryo of the Wildfire
  • Determinator: He can be relied upon to keep going in tough spots but watching Talpa absorb his allies and clobber him made him give up briefly.
  • Dual Wielding: The Swords of Wildfire, twin katana blades.
  • The Hero: The main good guy but not The Leader.
  • Hot-Blooded: He's gung-ho about bringin down the Dynasty yet surprisingly more laid back than the normal Hot-BloodedShōnen hero.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: He's the hero of the group, and the weapon of choice of his armor is a pair of katana, which he can merge into a Double Weapon.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His Inferno Armor is said to be capable of destroying a planet.
  • Playing with Fire: 'Flare up now!' and 'Rage of Inferno'
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red oni to Touma/Rowen's blue because he is Hot-Blooded and disregards strategy.
  • Super Mode: The Inferno Armor is a massive upgrade in firepower over the Wildfire armor and is activated by merging with the other four armors. Ronin or Warlord, all it needs is four other armors.
  • Surfer Dude: In the English dub he uses English slang such as 'that guy is really juiced!' to refer to Nether spirit empowerment.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Whatever he points 'Rage of Inferno' at goes up in flames.
  • The Power of the Sun: The Japanese name of the white armor is Kikoutei, meaning 'sun' or 'sun emperor.'
Sage/Seiji Date/Sami
Voiced by: Daiki Nakamura (JP), Michael Donovan (EN), Matt Smith (EN, OVA), Aldo Stella (IT), Lorenzo Scattorin (IT, OVA)
Sage of the Halo
  • Badass Driver: In an episode of Legend of the Inferno Armor viewers see a memory of Sage having won first place in a F1 race, despite being only sixteen years old.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's one of the calmest and nicest members, but when he's pushed in a corner...
  • BFS: He wields a nodachi—a two-handed sword nearly as long as Sage is tall.
  • Dragged into Drag: In the CD drama Korinden it is revealed that when Sage was younger, he was in poor health so his family believed that if they dressed him as a girl, his health would improve.
  • The Lancer: To Ryo, to the point that he's the second trooper released and he manages to free Shun on his own.
  • Light 'em Up: The Armor of Halo.
  • Master Swordsman: The only other Trooper with a sword, who also practices Kendo in his free time.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: His namesake is Date Masamune, invoked through the helmet (albeit not quite as impressive as the original's massive crescent moon), and Peek-a-Bangs when not armored- as only one eye is usually ever visible.
  • Shock and Awe: 'Thunderbolt cut!'
Cye/Sai/Shin Mouri/Simo
Voiced by: Nozomu Sasaki (JP), Michael Donovan (EN), Diego Sabre (IT), Francesco Orlando (IT, OVA)
Cye of the Torrent
  • Evil Twin: Red Torrent/Nise Suiko.
  • Making a Splash: 'Super Wave Smasher!'
  • Prongs of Poseidon: He fights with a trident whose prongs move inwards like scissors. Torrent likely comes with one because of the water association.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Shu/Kento's red given that he is a Reluctant Warrior and Kento is a Blood Knight. This causes problems in the Legend of Infero Armor OVA.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': Is it Cye or Sai?
  • Water Is Blue: Pure water is blue; his armor and his special attack reflect this purity.
  • Wolverine Claws: Like Cale, the Armor of Torrent has tekko-kagi, but Shin never actually uses them in battle.
Kento/Shuu Lei/Rei Faun/Shido
Voiced by: Tomohiro Nishimura (JP), Jason Gray-Stanford (EN), Andrew Francis (EN, OVA), Pasquale Ruju (IT), Gianluca Iacono (It, OVA)
Kento of Hardrock
  • Big Eater: He is often see complaining about being hungry and is the happiest among the group whenever Mia finishes cooking.
  • The Big Guy: The most eager to fight of the Ronin Warriors and also the strongest. When they need to push open Dynasty gates everyone looks to him to do it.
  • Blade on a Stick: A naginata of sorts (blade on one end, a claw on the other), which separates into a three-section staff.
  • Deadpan Snarker: In the Italian dub, sometimes Leaning on the Fourth Wall.
    (upon seeing Anubis powering up)'How they're gonna pay the bill?'
  • Dishing Out Dirt: 'Iron Rock Crusher!'
  • Expy: Of Musashi Tomoe.
  • Hot-Blooded: His strategy in every instance boils down to 'overwhelm the enemy with a sudden and intense attack!'
  • Hotblooded Sideburns: Has prominent sideburns and is the most action-prone of the team.
  • Idiot Hero: His lack of foresight and simple strategies cause him to be outmaneuvered and manipulated on several occasions.
  • Last-Name Basis: 'Shuu' is this character's family name in YST and everyone addresses him as such. In RW Gaiden, however, Kento introduces himself as 'Kento Rei Faun.'
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Shin/Cye's Blue given that he is a Blood Knight and Sai is a Reluctant Warrior. This causes problems in the Legend of Infero Armor OVA.
  • Token Minority: At least within the five Ronin, he is Chinese.
Rowen/Touma Hashiba/Kimo
Voiced by: Hiroshi Takemura (JP), Ward Perry (EN), Andrea de Nisco (IT), Massimo de Benedetto (IT, OVA)
Rowen of the Strata
  • Archer Archetype: The archer of the Ronin Warriors is calm and focused in battle.
  • Blow You Away: The Armor of Strata; 'Arrow shockwave!'
  • Flight: Using his armor's power he can fly.
  • Life Force: In a key point, this secondary ability comes in handy when he needs to recharge Halo, Torrent and Hardrock after Talpa drains their power.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Ryo's red; careful, logical and not given to impulses.
  • The Smart Guy: He is regarded as the most intelligent of the Ronin Warriors and plans their strategies.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: He's the only Ronin Warrior with an unrealistic hair color.
Dark Warlords
Anubis/Shuten Doji/Demon
Voiced by: Kiyoyuki Yanada (JP), Paul Dobson (EN), Stefano Albertini (IT)
Dark Warlord of Cruelty
  • Arch-Enemy: To Ryo because of their battle in the lava early on.
  • The Atoner: After his Heel–Face Turn, he feels compelled to make up for his actions as a dark warlord.
  • Bishōnen: Once you see him without his armor, he's just as good-looking as the heroes, contrasting his colleagues which are either creepy, scarred or both.
  • Characterization Marches On: He's the most characteristically developed of the Four Dark Warlords, showing more than mere scorn after being defeated by Ryo, which ultimately leads to a Heel–Face Turn and becoming one of the good guys.
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead: Has a tanner complexion than his fellow Warlords along with luscious red hair.
  • A Dog Named 'Dog': In the Italian dub, he's an evil demonic warrior named... Demon, pronounced kinda Ramon, the spanish name, only with De which still makes his Red Baron title of 'Supreme Demon Demon' awkward...
  • Chain Pain: His weapon is a kusarigama—a sickle on a chain, with a claw on the opposite end. Called 'Jakigama' (Evil Ogre Sickle) in the original dub.
  • The Dragon:To Talpa, initially, as the evil Number Two and the one greatest physical challenge to the heroes.
  • Evil Redhead: He starts this way, but later subverts the trope with his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Good Costume Switch: He dresses like The Ancient One in the second part of the series.
  • Ground Pound: His secret technique releases a blast of energy from the earth after pounding his chain in it.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He takes a grievous hit in order to make sure it also hits the demonically possessed Lady Kaguya and frees her from it.
  • Mythical Motifs: Ogre. It is in appearance and what he calls himself.
  • Still the Leader: Even though he's Talpa's Number Two, his fellow Dark Warlords are constantly making fun of his failures against the Ronin Warriors (even though none of them fair any better).
  • Redemption Promotion: As The Ancient One's successor he is far more effective in both direct combat as well as overall war maneuvering than he was as a dark warlord.
  • Super Strength: He can throw that chain through stone.
  • Variable-Length Chain: Definitely increases in length with his 'Quake With Fear!' maneuver.
Voiced by: Issei Futamata (JP), Ward Perry (EN), Massimiliano Lotti (IT)
Dark Warlord of Venom
  • Animal Motifs: Snake are in his special attack.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Cye. Water vs Poison.
  • The Brute: Out of the four, he lacks special tactics outside of poison.
  • Calling Your Attacks: 'Snake Fang Strike!'
  • Dual Wielding: While he has six Snake Fang Swords, he routinely uses them two at a time.
  • Healing Hands: According to the character guide, his power as an agent of good would be curing illness and harm instead of causing it.
  • Hollywood Acid: His swords melt whatever their touch instantly and just being near him poisons plants. It is constantly active but never drips unless dramatically appropriate.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: His armor thinks so highly of katana he has six of them!
  • Kick the Dog: Uses his venom to kill the fish and the orca whale protecting Cye.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Played With. It's really an illusion made by moving his arms really fast, used for intimidation.
  • Poisoned Weapons: Even blocking his swords with armor or another sword counts as a hit for him; the poison is still effective.
  • Poison Is Corrosive: Battles with him tend to involve his poison eating into armors and leaving slag behind.
  • Poisonous Person: The Armor of Venom has poison as its power; the person wearing it becomes a Walking Wasteland.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Naturally, his body, armor, and weapons are all immune to the poisons and acids he uses.
  • Spikes of Villainy: The Armor of Venom is covered in them, especially his Shoulders of Doom.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Since his swords drip poison, throwing them makes the poison a ranged attack. It certainly blinded Ryo for an entire episode.
  • Whip Sword: Links his six katanas into this for his Finishing Move: Snake Fang Strike.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: He has green hair which is thematic with his poisons, which are normally considered to be green.
Voiced by: Yasunori Matsumoto (JP), Richard Newman (EN), Ivo de Palma (IT)
Dark Warlord of Corruption
  • An Ice Person: He can freeze water and people solid and likes fighting in the cold.
  • Animal Motifs: Wolf; see the claws?
  • Arch-Enemy: To Sage. Light vs Darkness.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Heavily mock his superior Anubis for his failure and claims to be better than him against the Troopers.
  • Badass Cape: The only one of the nine armors that sports a cape.
  • Beam Spam: His Finishing Move: Black Lightning Flash.
  • The Beastmaster: Mostly wolves, but he once made every creature in the forest attack Sage.
  • Bishōnen: Aside from the jagged scar under his eye, he's still prettier than Sekhmet or Dais.
  • BFS: Nodachi. And, like Sage, it's as tall as he is.
  • Casting a Shadow: Darkness is his element. He is stronger in it and can absorb light. In the Italian dub is part of his moniker, 'Demon of Darkness Kratos'.
  • Elemental Rivalry: Again, why he's the main opponent of Sage.
  • Empathic Weapon: His own sword can move on his own, which he uses to dig through the boulder where Shun is sealed to kill him while he bides his time killing Sage.
  • Genius Bruiser: Not only is he very strong, but his breaking speeches and tactics are almost as good as Dais'.
  • Large Ham: In the Italian dub, he's, literally, an evil Seiya.
  • Non-Indicative Name: His english Red Baron, since he's nothing to do with Corruption, aside for the effects of Darkness on the surrounding area.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has a visible jagged scar on his face, right under his eye.
  • Shout-Out: His Breaking Speeches would not be out of place for a Sith Lord.
  • Wolfpack Boss: Literally, he brings an entire pack of ferocious wolves to confront Sage in Hokkaido.
  • Wolverine Claws: In addition to his sword, his armor comes with claws—tekko-kagi, specifically.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Dark blue hair.
Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (JP), Matt Smith (EN), Luca Semeraro (IT)
Dark Warlord of Illusion
  • Animal Motifs: Spider and he really gets into it. His armor has blades that look like legs and he spends a lot of time hanging upside down and spamming his 'Web of Deception'.
  • Animation Bump: The art tends to have much greater detail and heavy attention to shading whenever Rajura is on screen.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Kento. Hot-BloodedIdiot Hero who relies on brute force vs Manipulative Bastard who relies on cunning.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: One of the many illusions he uses in battle is to make himself look like a giant.
  • Breaking Speech: His battles typically rely less on straight-forward fighting and more on breaking the Ronins' will to fight him, such as when he revealed the Ronin Armor's potential for evil through endless battle.
  • Eyepatch of Power: No mention of what lost him that eye, though.
  • Fighting with Chucks: Nunchucks help cement his status as Shu's arch enemy. They are mounted on his right arm when not in use.
  • Impossibly Cool Weapon: Aside from the Nunchaks and the Epic Flail, his main weapon is a pack with six telescopic 'legs' tipped with movable scythe blades.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Use this tactics on the Warriors the first time, making them appear as Dais to each other and forcing them to defeat each other.
  • Manipulative Bastard: On several occasions he strings along the Ronin Warriors with both illusions and words.
  • Master of Illusion: The Armor of Illusion.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Wears a bright pink spider-themed armor.
  • Sinister Scythe: The Armor of Illusion's most noticeable feature: Six kama, attached to a removable pack on his back for his special attack and spider theme. They also come off.
  • Warrior Therapist: According to the character guide, if Dais were to use his powers for good, he would be able to calm troubled minds.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Under the helmet, there is hair as white as the spider thread he throws to twist the hearts and minds of his enemies.
Lady Kayura
Voiced by: Masako Katsuki (JP), Lisa Ann Beley (EN), Caterina Rochira (IT)
  • Affirmative Action Girl: Introduced in the second half of the series to break up the main cast's sausage party. Eventually becomes the only female Warrior when she becomes the new holder of the (reformed) Anubis armor.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Rowen. Sky vs Stars
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: She was kidnapped as a child and indoctrinated to believe that Talpa was right about everything and then when Anubis broke the seal on her memories, she was further brainwashed.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Averted as her voice is lighter and (obviously) more feminine than the other villains. It's only deep when she is possessed by Badamon.
  • Hime Cut: When not fighting, she switches into a very formal and fancy style that resembles some kind of ancient Japanese noblewoman. Part of that style is letting her hair fall loose down her back and the sidetails forward with her bangs now even.
  • Lady of War: Quite graceful as she battles the Ronin Warriors with her double swords.
  • Miko: Of the battle variety after her Heel–Face Turn and the transfer of The Ancient One's staff to her. In the finale scene, she wears clerical style robes.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: She lost a couple of Beam O Wars when she wasn't wearing magic armor and came out of it fine.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: In both YST *and* RW, she makes this pose when laughing at both the Ronins and Dark Warlords.
  • Sole Survivor: Last of the Ancient Clan; Talpa killed the rest.
  • Sixth Ranger: She appears in the second half of the series as an ally of the four dark warlords.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: She has the classic look and style when she's not fighting and quite loyal to her liege lord.
Supporting Cast
Mia Koji/Nasuti Yagyu
Voiced by: Kaori Kusakabe (JP), Lalainia Lindbjerg (EN, TV series), Maggie Blue O'Hara (EN, OV As), Marina Massironi (IT)
  • But Not Too Foreign: She's half Japanese and half French.
  • Cool Big Sis: She's three years older then the Ronin Warriors and is more sisterly to them than maternal like she is for Yuli.
  • Damsel in Distress: Sometimes she was captured/grabbed by the villains but no more than Yuli.
  • Damsel out of Distress: Sometimes she can get herself out of trouble or contribute towards such an end.
  • Heroic Bystander: She rescues Yuli from a Dynasty Soldier's attack in the first episode.
  • Parental Substitute: Mainly for Yuli because he's a kid and his parents are never seen after the first episode.
  • Plucky Girl: Exhibit A: Kale once tied her up and dangled her into a waterfall in a really cold place for use as bait, and she shrugged it off both physically and emotionally.
  • Team Mom: Count on her to meditate disputes between the Ronins. After the first arc, she's also the one doing all the cooking in their communal mansion.
  • Unfazed Everyman: Animated armor invading? Evil Overlord face appearing in the sky? She looks around and thinks 'I gotta do something about this.'
  • Wise Beyond Her Years: At the start, it looks as though her white-haired grandfather is going to be the one providing the wisdom and direction to reunite the Ronin Warriors. Then she decodes his files and fills the role instead.
  • Women Drivers: Averted. She is a very capable driver who drives the Ronin Warriors in her own car during the TV series. In the second OVA she drives her friends through Africa.
  • Younger than She Looks: Many fans assume Mia is in her early to mid twenties when the series first starts out, when canon sources state she is only three years older than the Ronin.
Yuli/Ully/Jun Yamano
Voiced by: Kumiko Watanabe (JP), Christopher Turner (EN), Anna Bonei (IT)
  • Cheerful Child: He's appropriately traumatized in the first arc but he rebounds immediately afterward.
  • Future Badass: By the time Message ends he's a raising kendo star.
  • Tagalong Kid: He has nothing to do with anything going on; he just happened to be the only civilian in the city that wasn't captured when Talpa invaded.
  • The Load: He's a civilian kid with no knowledge or abilities that can help so he's a drag. Then he uses the Jewel of Life to help the Ronins perma-kill Talpa.
  • Puppy Love: Manga only with a little girl name Noriko, who becomes a victim of Cale's.
White Blaze/Byakuen
  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: White Blaze seems to know what's going on before anyone else.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Black Blaze, an otherwise identical tiger that works for a netherworld lord.
  • Cats Are Magic: He's existed for well over a thousand years and used to travel with the Ancient One.
  • Nice Kitty...: He's friendly and protective, allowing Yuli to ride him for fun, but only to his friends, of course.
  • Panthera Awesome: A big cat of prey that can fight Dynasty soldiers
  • Team Pet: Ryo's pet tiger that assists him and the rest of the heroes.
The Ancient One/Kaosu
Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto (JP), David Kaye (EN), Claudio Moneta (IT)

Ronin Warriors Anime

  • Big Good: It's a downplayed trope since he keeps to the shadows so often but in many episodes he provides wisdom and guidance to the heroes, helps them develop and has greater power than him. He's also the one that defeated Talpa in the past and created the armor they wear in the present day.
  • Cool Old Guy: His white hair is indicative of both his wisdom and power.
  • Hidden Eyes: They're covered by his hat and its shadows but once in a while when he uses his powers he will display Glowing Eyes.
  • Mysterious Protector: The Ronin Warriors know nothing about him starting out but he regularly jumps in to save them or thwart Talpa.
  • Posthumous Character: He's a mystery until after his death. Then audience learns about his clan and his history.
  • Warrior Monk: Japanese-style which means he smacks and casts spells with a shakujo
Touma/Rowen's Mom
Voiced by: Miyuki Ichijou (JP)

Rowen's divorced mother who appears in Tenkuden.

  • Cool Big Sis: Treats Rowen and her ex-husband more like friends but gets along with everybody.
  • Unnamed Parent: Her ex-husband is blessed with a name, despite the fact he doesn't play as big of a role as she does.
Voiced by: Eriko Hara (JP), Jillian Michaels (EN), Marcella Silvestri (IT)
  • Fangirl: Becomes one for Ryo by the second episode of Gaiden; cheering for him (and only him) during a battle with mooks.
  • It's Personal: Her brother was killed by Shikaisen's ninjas and she wants to avenge him.
  • Knife Nut: She goes into battle with a small and serrated blade.
  • Taking the Bullet: When Shikaisen is about to kill Yuli, Luna decides to take this moment to seek her revenge for her brother's murder. This may have been an unintentional sacrifice on her part.
  • You Got Spunk: Ryo likes her lively spirit.
Uncle Chin
  • Big Fun: He shows his Big Eater status more than Kento and is also a generous host.
  • Cool Old Guy: Kento's uncle looks like a fun guy to hang around with.
  • Dirty Old Man: At least that's what his nephew is implying when he keeps his hand on Mia's shoulder, much to Kento's dismay.
  • Mighty Glacier: When he hits a ninja, they stay down. Unfortunately, they're too fast and too numerous for him to bring down more than a couple.
  • Super Strength: He can lift one of his restaurant's tables over his head without difficulty.
Voiced by: Yoshino Takamori (JP), Venus Terzo (EN)
  • Cassandra Truth: Nobody in her village wants to listen to/believe her about the dangers of the Black Inferno Armor.
  • Love Martyr: She stands by Mukala even though he doesn't seem to listen to anything she says.
  • The Medic: She is the head priestess of her village and she helps care for the wounded Ronin Warriors in her home until Cye arrives in Africa to join them.
Suzunagi's Mother
Voiced by: Gara Takashima (JP), Lisa Ann Beley (EN)
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Suzunagi remembers her fondly at least.
Voiced by: Shigezou Sasaoka (JP), Mina Mina (EN), Enzo Tarascio (IT)
Emperor of the Evil Dynasty

The main villain for the majority of the TV series.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: In his true form, that is, with all the armors, he becomes much bigger.
  • Big Bad: He is the main villain for TV series. Even the interim ones between his defeats are related to him.
  • Evil Overlord: The lord of the Netherworld who seeks to conquer Earth as well. He creates soldiers from the fear and despair of his captives.
  • Evil Overlooker: Literally has the huge floating head going on in the first season.
  • Ghostly Goals: He makes good on his promise to return after a thousand years.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: His eyes shine when he casts his evil magic.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: He wants to control both the Netherworld and the Mortal world.
  • Orcus on His Throne: The first half of the series is justified because he's been reduced to a spirit that can't do much other than give orders and even here he could still cast enough magic to scatter the Ronins at the start of the TV series. The second half, however, shows him literally sitting on his throne while his subordinates do the fighting.
  • Prehensile Hair: In his spirit form, he can use his hair like tendrils for ensnaring and strangling.
  • Spikes of Villainy: His own armor has a lot of spikes, which are absent in the Ronin's armor.
  • Tin Tyrant: He is apparently nothing but spirit and armor, both of which are devoted to conquest and oppression.
  • Was Once a Man: Depending on the source material, he is either this trope or not. YST only, according to official novels. In the RW version of Message Rowen states in the first episode that Talpa was the embodiment of evil, which gathered into a single suit of armor.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: At the end of the main series, the only use he has for the Warlords is someone to hold the armor for him in his ritual.
Voiced by: Yoshiya Nemoto (JP), Antonio Paiola (IT)

Lord of the Nether Spirits who also works for Talpa. He appears in the second season of the TV series.

  • Beard of Evil: Complete with pencil-thin mustache.
  • Evil Old Folks: He certainly looks much older than the Ronins and much more devious.
  • Evil Sorcerer: The way he dresses is more like a scholar/mage than a soldier and he casts the more complex spells used by the Dynasty.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: Unlike Talpa, he know just how dangerous the Jewel of Life is them and the Dynasty.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Yuli and Mia become much more of a concern for him, particularly when they obtain the Jewel of Life, that he tries to kill them both himself once possesses Lady Kayra to get it.

A villain who only appears in the CD drama Suikoden.

  • Evil Counterpart: To Cye given how he is a warlord of Ice.
  • An Ice Person: Ice powers are his thing.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Black hair but otherwise fits the trope. It also fits him personally with his ice-white skin.

A villain who only appears in the CD drama Tenkuden.

A villain who only appears in the CD drama Tsuki.
Voiced by: Seizo Kato (JP), Don Brown (EN)

The main villain of the OVA Gaiden.

  • Ambiguously Human: He looks like he could be some kind of goblin thing, but maybe he's just an ugly human.
Voiced by: Eiji Fukushi (JP), Michael Adamthwaite (EN)

A warrior from Africa who also happens to have his own suit of mystical armor, the Black Inferno Armor. Appears in the second OVA Legend of the Inferno Armor.

Mukala of the Sun
  • Evil Twin: Not him but his Black Inferno Armor is this to the Ronin's White Inferno armor.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: He gave into the power and temptation of the Black Inferno Armor because it gave him tremendous strength and drive to conquer all foes.
  • Silent Antagonist: He doesn't say a word (except for his armor incantation) while fighting the Ronins. Thus, they have no idea what his problem is.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: He is way too young to have white hair naturally, but it contrasts something sinister with his evil armor. He is quite brutal in battle. Nadia insists that he's not this trope, and the smile he gives her at the end, when the armor is destroyed, supports this view.
  • The Worf Effect: His debut involves him taking on all of the Ronin Warriors (while they were fully armored) without his armor. This demonstrates how powerful he is and establish his threat level.

A ghost woman from the Edo Period who hunts down the Ronin Warriors one by one. Appears in the third and final OVA Message.

  • Break the Cutie: Her background certainly qualifies: her father is killed at his theater, her mother covers her in her robe and then dies as well. She is standing alone in wreckage.
  • Broken Bird: The events of her backstory had driven all sense of kindness or other virtues out of her and now she acts like a hard and bent blade.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Child-mode only where she uses formidable psychic power.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She finds peace at the end of Message and gives up villainy.
  • Improbable Age: She's supposed to be a pre-teen, tops and yet has power and understanding to rival the Ancient One.
  • Mind Rape: She uses the Ronin Warriors' very weaknesses against them so she can trap them into her own suits of armors.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Both of her forms are wearing pretty fancy dresses. She is supposedly from a wealthy family, before it all went up in flames.
  • Villain Has a Point: She tried to stop the Ancient One from unleashing the Ronin Armors, saying they were too dangerous to be used. As demonstrated in Legend of the Inferno Armor, she is proven correct.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: She first appears as an adult, but at times will change into an child, only to shift back into an adult once more. She uses this tactic throughout the OVA in order to trick the Ronin one by one into wearing the suits of armors she created.
